
Monday, April 30, 2007

Gaia and Global Warming

Yesterday I delivered a sermon at 2EFC on the strength of weakness. Prior to the service I was speaking with our head usher, our worship leader and the youth director. One of them mentioned that he used some web engine called Gaia. Well, this irked me. Gaia was the Greek goddess of the earth, mother earth as many would like to refer to it as. This bothered me because a lot of people in America worship Gaia either in pagan rites or unwittingly. How easy it is for people to talk about Mother Earth regarding the weather and the natural world and the climate. What about Almighty God? No can't talk about Him because that would offend some people, the non-monotheists or the neoBuddhists. Taking care of Mother Earth is what is behind the concern about global warming. We have a responsibility to care for her. We are kin to all flora and fauna and must watch out for them.


We are not products of evolution. We are made by God in His image. He controls the earth and the weather. We should care for what He has given us yes, but this does not mean humans are causing global warming. Clean air is desirable so is clean water and chemical free food. We should care for our fellow human beings all over the world by denying our rights and luxuries. The celebrities and politicians who talk the loudest about global warming are among the ones who could stand to do a lot of self-denial. Instead they are concerned about image and their fake ideals. Put your money where your mouth is. I do.

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