
Wednesday, April 04, 2007

The Eastern Bunny is scary

Why do we continue this nonsense about the Easter Bunny? It is just a concept created by retailers to sell candy and cards and junky toys. I mentioned the giant Easter bunny I saw at the Broadway mall in Hicksville and it was scary. I would not be surprised if the children were afraid of it. I thought it was grotesque.

Easter is really what is celebrated, the fertility feast of spring practiced by the ancient pagans and now modern pagans. Eostre, Astarte whatever it is all about fertility, sex and sexual immorality.

What we should celebrate is the Resurrection of Jesus. His resurrection verifies that his sacrificial death on the cross was acceptable to the Father. His blood atones for our sin but only if we accept it. We have to accept it to be covered by it and for His death to atone for us. It is not cheap grace either because acceptance means death to self and selfish ways.


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