
Friday, June 09, 2006

Coulter's comments

Perhaps Coulter is being criticized for what some of us are thinking. A lot of people thrive on being in the limelight as a victim. But our culture would rather we not say or think bad things about victims. One of the great sins we can commit is America is to say anything bad about those who died on 9-11. They were all heroes because they died so tragically. Albeit there were heroes. A lot of people lost their lives trying to save others. A lot of people died instantly without knowing why or how. I would also add that a lot of those firemen who went in did not think about dying. They had no clue. A few of them I speculate went in seeking glory. They would not die they thought and so they could then boast about having survived the terror attacks. They were there on 9-11. Its human nature so I would think a few were glory hounds. Now it is human nature to promote oneself as a victim because it makes us feel good about ourselves. We are somebody because of 9-11. Before then I was not much. Now I am a hero or heroine.

Now shortly after 9-11 at the Memorial service at Yankee Stadium Oprah maintained that those innocent men and women in the Trade Towers, the Pentagon, in the jets, who were killed so tragically by terrorists were now angels, implying they all went to heaven. As a Christian, though I understand why she said that, I would have to sadly disagree. The real tragedy is not that so many died so horribly and needlessly. That is bad but what is far worse is that few were prepared to die. Many unfortunately did not go to heaven. They went to the same place that their killers went to because they did not believe in Jesus. As a Christian I believe that Jesus is God and the only way to heaven is by faith in what He did on the cross. Those who do not accept this are on their way to hell unless they repent and believe in Jesus as Savior. It may be nice to say that all those who are victims are forgiven because of what they did or suffered, but that is not the case. It may be nice to say that they were heroes but we know that is not necessarily the case. I would think these wives should get on with their lives. Money will not help them adjust. Only faith in Jesus will.


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    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:23 AM  

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