
Monday, April 02, 2007

At the Mall

Today I went to the mall. I regretted it when I realized that schools were closed for Passover or intersession or whatever but I was there and I had a desire for an Arby's roast beef sandwich with horseradish sauce.
While I at I got to thinking. When I was in school we got a holiday starting Holy Thursday through the Friday after Easter. But I was in Catholic school and the holiday was related to our faith practice. Nowadays kids get the whole week off and no one knows anything about the religious aspects expect perhaps the religious people who seem to be in the minority.

Never mind. What I saw after I ate was disgusting. I saw a crowd of mothers, a few fathers and grandparents lined up with their kids. They were waiting for the kids to take a picture sitting on the lap of a giant brown rabbit. I saw one mother trying to convince her toddler that he wanted to take the picture. But he was filled with great fear and trepidation, but he one of the few exceptions. The rest of those toddlers and infants seemed to be in a daze. But that rabbit was scary! I wonder why anyone would want to take a photo of their kid with such a beast? What is the point? It is gross and isgusting and somewhat insane. Now what does this have to do with the death and resurrection of the Savior of the world?

And what does that nutty artist think he is trying do do with a chocolate Jesus? That guy must be selfish, stupid, and extremely insensitive. He is poking fun at God and God will mete out to him a just punishment. The guy was afarid of threats from "fanatics". Well he should not worry about them but should be concerned about God. Maybe this guy (named Cavallaro fortunately not related to me) is already suffering a punishment: his personality is punishment enough.


  • I must add to my original thought, as I have seen a photo of the christ in Chocolate. It was rathera good rendition, really not objectionable except for the fact taht it was in chocolate which I feel tneds to cheapen the death of Christ. When I was a kid we ate chocolate crosses and I though that was fine. But I was a kid and immature. Today even a ckae in the shape of the cross is offensive. SLavation was won by Chriust for all sinners on the cross. The expression of a devout artist would not bring any dishonor to that sacred object.

    By Blogger Anthony Cavaliere, at 2:23 PM  

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