
Saturday, April 21, 2007

Alec Baldwin

Now I am not any big fan of Mr Baldwin's but I do not see how his private communications are of any interest to us. Granted that what he said was foul and hurtful especially from a parent to a child but we had no right to hear it. It was private and to tell you the truth who among us is without sin here? Who among us has not said similar words to others including children? We all use such words and we have no right to criticize him for what we too do. As Jesus said we often sin by looking at the speck of wood in our brother's eye while ignoring the 2x4 in our own. In other words, we are all sinners and we should have a little humility. Perhaps Mr Baldwin should be taken to task if he is abusive but let us not be hasty to condemn him unless we are willing also to condemn ourselves.

I doubt that anyone will take the time to think this out. Our whole culture is wrapped up with blaming someone for our troubles. oh wait, Cho, the Virginia Tech shooter did that too. Are we all a race of ego maniacal narcissists? Except those who in Christ Jesus. We Christians too are selfish and sinful but we realize it and confess it and submit to the Lord's discipline as He works to purge us of it.

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